Helping You To Bounce Back Better
Our tried and tested bounce back better program has helped countless people to bounce back and reclaim their lives and rediscover their joy...
What I Do
It really hurts when things are falling apart and you have no idea what the future holds, or why this is happening or how you’re going to cope or turn things around. You may be feeling devastated, battered, bruised, helpless or even hopeless.
Mary will work with you, nudge you, inspire you, help you come up with alternatives, make positive changes find a sense of peace and a solution that you can live with.The following issues often arise for people...
Self-Limiting Beliefs
“We are who we see ourselves to be”
You can succeed at anything you put your mind to in life. However many of us have developed self-limiting beliefs, through various things that have happened in our lives.
It is important that we identify those beliefs and where they came from and how we can shed them. Self-limiting beliefs prevents us from forming new relationships, meeting new people, enjoying a new career, taking up an interesting hobby, speaking up for ourselves, they prevent us from enjoying the deepest and most fulfilling aspects of life.
Working with Mary will help you overcome these self-defeating beliefs and progress on to a more fulfilling lifePerception
“It’s the way I see it”
Its not what you look at that matters, its what you see. One person can look at themselves and think they are wonderful another person can look at themselves and think they are useless. Two people can look at the same problem, one can see disaster, another can see opportunity, something that can be turned around for the better. How can I change my perception?
“The only thing that doesn’t change, is change itself”
Change is constant in our lives, it is how we manage change that is important.
“We cannot become who we need to be by remaining where we are”
Do you need to change, are there areas of your life you wish were different?Discipline
“Is the bridge between goals and achievements”
How disciplined are you?
Do you have the best of intentions, but quickly return to type?
We all need support to help us achieve our goals and dreamsGoals
“Goals need to be specific, manageable, meaningful and achievable”
We need to plan our goals well, in bite size pieces otherwise we choke. Above all we need to truly desire the outcome.
Let us work to make your goals become a realityThoughts
“Are the bridge between goals and achievements”
Our mind is like a garden, whatever we plant in it will flourish and grow. If we plant negative thoughts, that is what we will see and attract. Our thoughts create a physical response in our body and emit energy into the Universe and become our reality.
“Change your thinking, change your life”. Work with me to gain greater self-awareness of your thinking patternsThe Mind
"What the mind can conceive the body can achieve"
The mind does not distinguish between destructive and non-destructive thoughts
It cannot distinguish between a thought that is real and a thought that is imagined. When we think a thought be it real or imagined and act on it as if it were true, it becomes true for us. When faced with challenges, generally our mind can only see disaster, if we dwell on this, eventually it becomes our reality.
We can change these patterns, but generally we need support and guidance to do so.Stress
Stress is a state of mental or emotional strain resulting from adverse or demanding circumstances. It can affect how you feel, think and behave as
well as how your body works. Some stress can be helpful, a moderate level of stress makes us perform better.
However prolonged or excessive stress can be detrimental to our health.By addressing the issues that are stressing you and through learning
how to respond to pressure and by making better decisions you will gradually reduce the stress you feel and eventually get to a stage where your level of stress is more normal.
Let me work with you and support you back to a' normal stress level'.The Dalai Lama, when asked what surprised him most about humanity, he answered
“Man, Because he sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he sacrifices his money to recuperate his health. Then he is so fearful about the future that he does not enjoy the present, the result being that he does not live in the present or the future. He lives as if he is never going to die and then he dies having never really lived."
Dalai Lama
Cork Coaching and Mentoring Offers:
Help is Available In...
• Career Coaching
• Life Coaching
• Stress Management
• Business Mentoring
• Personal EffectivenessCareer Coaching
• Would you like help in:
• Deciding your Future
• Analysing your Skills
• Updating or Compiling a New CV
• Preparing for Interviews
• Building your Confidence and Self-EsteemMary can help and support you with all of the above
Whether it is a first interview, or a life changing career move, whether you have been made redundant, lost your job through Covid, or been unemployed for a long time, with proper support and guidance you will move forward positively. This is an investment in you and your future.
Mary will work with you to identify who you are and what you have to offer, she will evaluate your skills, strengths and areas needing improvement. Above all she will support you to put a value on YOU and help you believe in your own abilities.Help Is At Hand, Contact Mary Long Today
Your life can be better and easier than you ever imagined possible. But you have to make the First Move.
Take that FIRST STEP , Be Brave, Take Charge of your Well Being and truly make positive changes in your LIFE
I know you can do it, you have got what it takes to make this happen , let me support you through itI wish you the best of happiness, success and personal achievement as you uncover and awaken the greatness that lies within you.
Let Today be a new start, a fresh beginning